Owing to the rush for penis enlargement techniques today, several surgical and non-surgical methods have been devised. These methods could be substantiated or not by medical science, but one fact stands - all of them have become successes in their own right. This is because most of the average men are dissatisfied with their penises as nature has endowed them with. This feeling is compounded by the penises of other men (read porn models) they see. Without giving it a thought, men establish it firmly in their minds that their penises are nothing but tiny little weenies.

This explains the spate of penis enlargement methods prevailing today. Let us go with the grind, then. This article will try to - very objectively - describe the popular penis enlargement methods that are being used by men over the world today.

Surgical methods are the most important (and expensive) methods of penis enlargements. Surgery can do two things with the penis. First, silicone implants can be introduced within the penis, which could be inflated and deflated by pushing at a pump in the groin area. Hence, this becomes a kind of make-erect-at-will kind of transplant. It is needless to say how cumbersome this could be; and not to mention, distressing in front of the female sex partner. However for men who are impotent, this method could be a boon.

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The second method is more preferable. In this, the surgeon very deftly cuts some of the ligaments that keep the penis hung. When these ligaments are torn, they will fall and make the penis appear better hung.

In both the methods mentioned above, the main fear is of the technique itself. If the implant or the surgery is done by an inexperienced surgeon, then it could lead to permanent damage to the penis. This could cause an irreversible kind of situation, which could be a tragedy.

That explains why men are opting for non-surgical techniques today. Let us examine some of the non-surgical methods for penis enlargement that are in vogue.

The most popular ones are the herbal supplements. They are used in almost the same way as the supplements available for breast enlargement in women. Just pop a pill in the prescribed dosage per day and you will get your penis increased by centimeters! Naturally, there is wide-spread apprehension whether such easy techniques work, or whether they are just a way to earn a quick buck. The herbs used in the supplements are good enough; they have been used for centuries to achieve the same purpose. Some of these herbs are indeed famous all over the world, like the ginseng, ginkgo, blessed thistle, dong quai, kava kava, maca, etc., but how much effective they are, is yet to be known. Also some of these herbs could have unwarranted side effects, including common cold, sneezing and rashes over the skin. Hence, users need to get themselves examined by their physicians before they can go in for penis enlargement through herbal supplements.

One more serious contention is that herbal supplements bring about penile increase by tampering with the hormonal balance of the body. Anything that tries to interfere with the balance of hormones is not good for the body. Hence, the medical fraternity is dead against the use of these herbal supplements.

Mechanical devices are also available for penis enlargement. The penis enlargement pumps are quite popular. They work in much the same manner - by creating pressure - as the breast enlargement pumps devised for women. The basic difference is in the shape. The penis enlargement pumps are cylindrical, to fit over the shape of the penis.

Again there are problems in the use of these penis enlargement pumps. Sometimes the pressure built up could be too high, which could lead to bleeding within the penis. Just imagine, how scary that would look! Some of the pumps have hard rims, which could cut within the flesh around the scrotum, or the base of the penis where the pump is meant to fit. The pump could tear in the ligaments and cause some serious damage.

Penis massages are perhaps the safest ways to bring about a size increase in the penis; provided they are done in a safe way. Jelquing and squeezing are the two popular types of massages. These are explained widely all over the internet. All one has to do is to grasp the penis at the base and then move the hand towards the head of the penis, all the time applying pressure with the thumb. This will open up the tissues of the corpus cavernosa and make them more available for getting filled with blood during erection. However massages done in excess are also known to cause damage to the penis, and to increase penis curves.

The best method is to make you penis look bigger than it actually is. You can try by trimming out the hair in the pubic area. The hair hides some of your penis. So when it is trimmed, your penis will automatically look bigger. You can also wear underwear that bulge at the crotch. This will make your penis look bigger when you wear your trousers or jeans, by creating 'a visual impact'.

Finally, remember that women prefer a clean penis to a big but dirty penis. So penis hygiene is the most important thing. Keep your penis clean by washing the area thoroughly during the bath, and using a mild soap in the area.

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